Hi, I’m Lara. I’m so glad you’re here!

Lara Albano

What should be our Christian response to acne?

Maybe as a Christian dealing with acne, you have felt so alone. You are not so sure if other Christians will understand why acne hurts you so much. You have been afraid if you open up to others, they will only think you’re vain, worldly, or unspiritual. Perhaps, you have already tried sharing your experience, but the response has been underwhelming. They may have laughed at you, explaining it’s not a concern worth the trouble.

You are not even so sure if God himself can understand your pain. You think God will find you faithful if you accept your skin as it is and if you do not pay attention to your physical appearance. Whenever you spend time researching acne remedies and buying acne products, you believe God looks at you with disapproval. You believe God will be more pleased if you spend your time and money on something more spiritual.

You think you just have to suck it up. Anyway, it’s just acne. But deep inside, you know acne affects you in many ways, and you hope there is a place to find help on untangling the complexities of faith and the challenges of dealing with acne with empathy, grace, and faithful biblical perspective.

Beloved, this space is made for you…

God’s love extends to every aspect of your life, including the struggles with your skin.


Blemished Yet Redeemed…

Acne may seem like a trivial concern. However, its challenges provide opportunities for a deeper connection with our Creator and for cultivating perseverance, character, and hope (Rom. 5:3-4).

Acne lays bare our vulnerabilities—physical, emotional, and spiritual. It is in these moments of perceived weakness that God’s redemptive work begins. God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).

WITH GOD, ACNE IS NOT JUST ACNE. Imperfections are opportunities for redemption and reflections of His grace—turning what seemed mundane into a masterpiece of faith.


some facts about me!

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I was born and raised in the Philippines to a loving family.

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I moved to USA in 2022 and married my fiancé after 3 years of LDR.

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I have had acne since I was 15 (2008). I still deal with it as an adult.

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I taught high school English for 8 years. (It was bittersweet.)

My Acne and Faith Journey…

We are story-shaped creatures. Storytelling is one of the ways we proclaim how God comforts us so we can comfort others (2 Cor. 1: 3-4).

I wrote a seven-part series titled “My Acne and Faith Journey.” This series chronicles how acne pointed me to my need for Jesus, and how acne has both hindered and strengthened my faith as I follow Christ.

My hope is that through my experiences and my vulnerabilities, you will explore your own story too and connect yourself more intimately to God, the Master Storyteller.

Here are the links to each part of the series:

  • Part 1: Darkness, Depression, and Desperation
  • Part 2: A Curious Case of Faith
  • Part 3: The Meeting at the Well
  • Part 4: Not an Ancient Myth
  • Part 5: Resurrection and Radiance
  • Part 6: Despaired and Desperate Once Again
  • Part 7: Triumph Beyond the Trauma

As you read them, I hope you find resonance and perhaps even revelation in your own acne and faith journey.

curious about what i believe?

My Personal Statement of Faith

I am a Christian with a high view of the Holy Scripture. The Bible, which consists of 66 books, is the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God. I uphold the historical Christian truths that the Church has believed for more than 2,000 years. These are essential doctrines that no one must seek to redefine and twist to fit the prevailing intellectual, moral, and cultural climate. God’s Word is the final authority for life and faith (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

Creeds and confessions I subscribe to:

I am a Christian who believes faith in Christ is not blind. General revelation as seen in the intelligent design of the universe and nature (Rom. 1:20), and man’s internal awareness of God’s moral law as evident in conscience (Rom. 2:15) all point to the reality of God’s existence. Specific truths about God can be known and are revealed through special revelation by means of the Holy Scripture and the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus provided infallible proofs to inspire faith in him (Acts 1:3).

I am a Christian who believes the Bible does not promote blind obedience. Engaging the mind in a serious study of the Bible deepens our intimacy with God and grows our knowledge of him (2 Tim. 2:15). Furthermore, God’s Word increases our practical and spiritual wisdom, common sense, and conviction (Prov. 2:6). Thus, our obedience to God is inspired by biblical wisdom, a sanctified conscience, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.